This is how-to on setting up a VNC server on a Linux machine. Many times I've feel the need to VNC into the server & do the tasks. This is incredibly easy & can be done within few steps. We'll be setting up unencrypted VNC. Step 1: Installing Packages There are a just a couple of packages to be dealt with. Those packages can be installed with a single command. Before you run the command, you must first "su" to root. This is done by entering the command su and then typing your root user password. Once you have root access, run the command: yum install vnc vnc-server Once the above command completes, you are ready to begin the configuration. Step 2: Configure Users I will assume you already have either the users that will be allowed to VNC into the machine, or you only have one user that will be gaining access to the machine. Either way, the users will already have accounts on the server and will have logged in to confi