There are many situations in which we have to find out all files that have been modified on a specific date using find command under Linux.
There are two ways to list files in given directory modified after given date of the current year. The latest version of GNU/find command use the following syntax:
GNU/find latest version:
find /path/to/dir -newermt "date"
find /path/to/dir -newermt "May 13"
find /path/to/dir -newermt "yyyy-mm-dd"
## List all files modified on given date
find /path/to/dir -newermt yyyy-mm-dd ! -newermt yyyy-mm-dd -ls
### print all *.sh ###
find /path/to/dir -newermt "yyyy-mm-dd" -print -type f -iname "*.sh"
find /path/to/dir -newermt "date"
find /path/to/dir -newermt "May 13"
find /path/to/dir -newermt "yyyy-mm-dd"
## List all files modified on given date
find /path/to/dir -newermt yyyy-mm-dd ! -newermt yyyy-mm-dd -ls
### print all *.sh ###
find /path/to/dir -newermt "yyyy-mm-dd" -print -type f -iname "*.sh"
The other way of doing this works on the versions of find before v4.3.3:
touch -t 02010000 /tmp/timestamp
find /usr -newer /tmp/timestamp
then we can remove the reference file:
rm -f /tmp/stamp$$
To find out all Shell Script files (*.sh) in /home/linux/scripts that have been modified on 2013-05-01 (01/May/2013), enter:
find $HOME/scriptss -type f -name "*.sh" -newermt 2013-05-01 ! -newermt 2013-05-02 -print
Pass the -ls option to get detailed file listing:
find $HOME/scriptss -type f -name "*.sh" -newermt 2013-05-01 ! -newermt 2013-05-02 -ls
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